Angel Glory -kastlunger-

Angelo Gloria kastlunger


Nativity scene in carved and hand painted wood in Val Gardena. Scale 8cm


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Angel glory. Nativity scene in maple wood carved and hand painted with oil colors in Val Gardena; by the sculptor Harald Kastlunger and made by the Lepi company.

I firmly believe that Christmas, a celebration of peace and a bringer of peace, represents much more than a moment of magical atmosphere. The richness of the characters manifests itself as a feast for the eyes and consequently as exultation of the soul for the incredible event which is the advent of Christ. it is with this spirit that - distancing myself from clichés and traditional schemes - I try to instill in my figures the distinctive characteristics of genuineness, the archaic accent of a full awareness of earthly existence. The sense of participation finds its expression in the language of the hands and in the movements, intended to convey to the observer the extraordinary magnitude of the miracle.

-Harald Kastlunger-

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